Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I have Honest Scrap!

My very first blog award, from Callie at May the Road Rise. Thank you, Callie! I truly appreciate the thought and it has come at a time when I could use a little encouragement!

Well, I'm guessing the rules of this kind of award are fairly well known, but I shall post them anyway :)

The rules:

1) Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.

2) Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Scrap.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.

3) List at least 10 honest things about yourself.

OK, let's start with the honesty.

1) I don't have a lot of friend in real life. I have lots of pals and lots of transitory friends, but precious few actual, lifelong friends.

2) I'm a major food snob, when it comes to events/restaurants, but I love me some processed junk at home. Kraft Mac-n-cheese is just about heaven on earth when I'm feeling down.

3) I pick up accents without meaning to. If I'm talking to you, and I pick up your accent, I'm sorry, I really have no control over this.

4) I really don't like to work. Don't get me wrong, I have a great job and if I have to work, it's the best job for me, but I wish I could stay at home. Hopefully the move will help facilitate that one.

5) I used to sing a lot, like in choirs and musical plays, but I have RA and it damaged the joint that controls my vocal chords and now I don't sing well. I always sound like I have a sore throat.

6) I love to just chill and play the Sims for like hours sometimes on the weekends. Not every weekend, but once every 2-3 months I take a me day and eat junk food and play the Sims. It really helps me reset.

7) I have a strong aversion to talking on the telephone. Especially to people I don't know very well. There are less than five people I like talking to on the phone.

8) I totally agree with Callie on the hating to wear a bra and the needing to. It's hard to find a bra that fits in all three areas (band, cup, strap). I need a strap perfect.

9) I own a set of Sham-Wows! I like 'em, too.

10) I don't watch much TV, but I will hang up on my Mother for Jack Bauer. I love me some Jack Bauer.

And now, drum roll please *pretend I figured out how to type a drum roll* the award is passed on to:

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