I've got the whole new year bug, too. So I'm trying to do little things like, get to work at a consistent time (I heart flex time), keep the house cleaner and keep up with the pooches nails better. Should I be losing weight? Yes! Of course, I'm doing the eating healthier thing, but if I don't tell myself we're dieting, maybe I won't catch on, eh?
So back to the dog nails, as I know that's what nobody's dying to read about :) Waldo's were like Dracula's from Brahm Stoker's Dracula, you know when Gary Oldman was all super creepy with the long nails bit (see illustration below). Those suckers were really hard to chop through. I got them a rotary trimmer (the $20 one) for Christmas, but Waldo's were so far gone I had to whack 'em with the garden lopers first! Also, Waldo is not the pug. The pug was being very bad (not abnormal) and wouldn't let me get near her with the rotary thing or the nail clippers.
Speaking of Gary Oldman... I'm so sad he won't be in the Half Blood Prince, but I am so dying for it to come out! OK, so that transition was terrible, but whatever! Right, I'm a total Harry Potter freak. I loved all seven books, and am dying for the last two movies. I was all super psyched for the Thanksgiving release and now waiting for July is well, wrong. I shouldn't have to.
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