Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Focus, not so much...

I'm really kind of scattered today. For starters, I had to be at work two hours earlier than normal on almost no sleep, so I'm REALLY tired. But, mostly, I just don't to work. I want to daydream and count on the calendar which days would be ultrasounds and when we could do pregnancy tests if this coming round of Clomid works.

What coming round of Clomid?!?!? Silly, Minta, I guess I should start with my appointment yesterday. I was so PO'd about the Barak Obama kills babies thing with Big C I forgot all about me...

Yesterday morning was my post op appointment with Dr. Wonderful. He took a peek and said the cervix is looking great, so we are all systems go for a treatment cycle with my next AF. Since yesterday was technically day 28 I was hoping that cycle would start today; however, we're getting close to 2pm (the cutoff for today to be day 1) and still no AF. Normally this would be good. I hate AF. She's horrible. On the other hand, no AF=no Clomid & no Clomid=no chance at BFP this month. Also, maybe with the big clean out AF won't be soooo bad.

So, now due to all this, I can't focus. I want to doodle on the calendar and make lists of things to buy and do for the baby. I know this is bad. I know I shouldn't have my hopes up so high, but I can't help it.

Translation for the Infertility Speak impaired:
AF = Aunt Flo, i.e. menses
BFP = Big Fat Positive preg test
Clomid = drug to make my ovaries work

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